On April 30, 2024, AFIREV merged with AVERE France. All its activities will now be handled by AVERE France. The present web-site remains operational: requests for prefixes for identifiers should still be made there, in the tab “LES IDENTIFIANTS POUR OPÉRATEURS” (click here).
Similarly, service quality actions (quality commitments with charters, results observatory) continue to be accessible in the “SERVICE QUALITY” tab.
If you have any question, please write to:

Get an identifier for infrastructure owner or service operator

Identifier requests are made online.

Click here and follow the steps

Quality of service

The continuous quality improvement process for publicly accessible charging service includes an observatory and charters of commitments for planners and operators. Read more on quality observatory; Read more on quality charters

Deployment in France of ISO 15118 standard

Following an analysis of the utilities and costs of this mode of communication between EV and charging station, AFIREV mobilizes the French industry to create a new generation of recharging services.
Read more

Billing per kWh

In order to bill EV charging according to the number of kWh delivered, conditions have to be met which are not limited to the installation of MID meters.

Read more here…

Insufficient data on charging spots

Although there has been an important effort to publish static and dynamic data on existing charging  infrastructure, more détailed information is requested for users.

Read more

Towards mobility as a service

Private car travel is expected to decrease in densely populated areas thanks to the development of alternative solutions promoted by “MaaS platforms”.

Read more about MaaS.

Who can join AFIREV?

As AFIREV has merged with AVERE France, it is no longer possible to join.