Type of operational unit | Operational unit identifier | Mobility operational unit name | Operator company name | Public contact address |
e-Mobility servicel unit | FR0NX | NEXTENEO | NEXTENEO | contact@nexteneo.com |
e-Mobility servicel unit | FR3R3 | R3 | R3 | https://www.r3-charge.fr/ |
e-Mobility servicel unit | FR526 | Mobilité Groupe LGE | Groupe LGE | www.autoplug.fr |
e-Mobility servicel unit | FRAL2 | Bouygues Energies & Services | Bouygues Energies & Services | https://alizecharge.com/fr/ |
e-Mobility servicel unit | FRALT | ALTENSYS | SAS ALTENSYS | www.altensys.fr |
e-Mobility servicel unit | FRALZ | ALZ | Bouygues Energies & Services | https://alizecharge.com/fr/ |
e-Mobility servicel unit | FRAUT | Evota | Autel Netherlands B.V. | evsupport.eu@autel.com |
e-Mobility servicel unit | FRAWC | ANYWHERE CHARGING | E.V. UNIVERSAL CHARGING LIMITED | info@anywherecharging.co.uk |
e-Mobility servicel unit | FRBLB | Belib' | TotalEnergies Marketing France | www.belib.paris |
e-Mobility servicel unit | FRBMP | bump | bump | contact@bump-charge.com |
e-Mobility servicel unit | FRBNO | BeNomad | Benomad | www.ev-move.com |
e-Mobility servicel unit | FRBNT | BeNomadDemo | BeNomad | sales@benomad.com |
e-Mobility servicel unit | FRBOL | BOL75 | BornesLib | https://www.borneslib.fr/ |
e-Mobility servicel unit | FRBOS | Bosch | Bosch Charging Solutions GmbH | Kruppstraße 20, 70469 Stuttgart, Germany |
e-Mobility servicel unit | FRBRS | BRS | Borne Recharge Service | 18 bis rue Molitor |
e-Mobility servicel unit | FRC2P | CAR2PLUG | Clicsysteme SAS - Car2Plug | contact@car2plug.fr |
e-Mobility servicel unit | FRCG0 | ChargeGuru | RAIDEN SAS | chargeguru.com |
e-Mobility servicel unit | FRCHK | Chargekeeper | Chargekeeper | 1480 Av. d'Arménie |
e-Mobility servicel unit | FRCMP | ChargeMap | ChargeMap | contact@chargemap.com |
e-Mobility servicel unit | FRCPN | ChargePoint | ChargePoint Network (Netherlands) BV | https://www.chargepoint.com/fr-fr/ |
e-Mobility servicel unit | FRCTZ | Citiz | France Autopartage | reseau@citiz.fr |
e-Mobility servicel unit | FRDCS | Digital Charging Solutions | Digital Charging Solutions GmbH | www.digitalchargingsolutions.com |
e-Mobility servicel unit | FRDLM | Delmonicos | Delmonicos | contact@delmonicos.tech |
e-Mobility servicel unit | FRDRE | Dream Energy | Dream Energy | contact@dream-energy.fr |
e-Mobility servicel unit | FRDRX | DRIVECO e-mobility service provider | DRIVECO | support@driveco.com |
e-Mobility servicel unit | FREAB | FREAB | AMPECO | www.eabox.Fr |
e-Mobility servicel unit | FREBO | eborn mobilité | SPBR1 | www.eborn.fr |
e-Mobility servicel unit | FREFL | Road | Road | https://road.io/ |
e-Mobility servicel unit | FRELI | Elli | Volkswagen Group Charging GmbH | elli.eco |
e-Mobility servicel unit | FREMF | Edenred Mobility France | La Compagnie des Cartes Carburant | contact@lacartecarburant.com |
e-Mobility servicel unit | FREND | Enedis | Société anonyme à directoire et à conseil de surveillance | www.enedis.fr |
e-Mobility servicel unit | FREPI | ECO-PI | ECO-PI | contact@eco-pi.fr |
e-Mobility servicel unit | FRETO | E-Totem | E-TOTEM | 15 rue camille de Rochetaillée - 42000 Saint-Etienne |
e-Mobility servicel unit | FREVB | EVBox | EVBox France SAS | www.evbox.fr |
e-Mobility servicel unit | FREVM | WELLBORNE EV MAP | EV MAP SAS | https://www.evmap.fr |
e-Mobility servicel unit | FREVO | Everon e-mobility services | EVBOX | www.evbox.fr |
e-Mobility servicel unit | FREVZ | evzen | SMEG Développement | contact@evzen.com |
e-Mobility servicel unit | FREZD | E.Zdrive | SURAYA | contact@ezdrive.fr |
e-Mobility servicel unit | FRFAR | FAROAD | FAROAD | assistance-evecarplug@faroad-solution.com |
e-Mobility servicel unit | FRFLC | Flowbird Park & Charge | Flowbird SAS | https://www.flowbird.group/ |
e-Mobility servicel unit | FRFRA | Freshmile EMP | Freshmile SAS | roaming@freshmile.com |
e-Mobility servicel unit | FRFRD | Ford Motor Company Ltd | Ford Motor Company Ltd | tnicklin@ford.com |
e-Mobility servicel unit | FRFRE | Freshmile Mobilité | Freshmile | www.freshmile.com office@freshmile.com |
e-Mobility servicel unit | FRFRK | Fraikin | Fraikin | www.fraikin.com |
e-Mobility servicel unit | FRFRM | Freshmile Mobilité | Freshmile | www.freshmile.com office@freshmile.com |
e-Mobility servicel unit | FRFUS | e-Fusion | e-Fusion | www.efusion-ve.com |
e-Mobility servicel unit | FRGF1 | GreenFlux | GreenFlux | www.greenflux.com |
e-Mobility servicel unit | FRGFX | GreenFlux | Greenflux | www.greenflux.com |
e-Mobility servicel unit | FRGOB | GMOB | GMOB | alban.maynadie@genergies.fr |
e-Mobility servicel unit | FRGSP | GREENSPOT | ENERSOFT | https://www.greenspot.fr/ |
e-Mobility servicel unit | FRGWY | Greenway | Greenway SAS | hello@greenway.care |
e-Mobility servicel unit | FRHOP | HOPLA POWER CHARGE | CHARGEKEEPER | contact@hoplapowercharge.fr |
e-Mobility servicel unit | FRINE | EVBox e-mobility services | EVBOX | www.evbox.fr |
e-Mobility servicel unit | FRJRS | jerecharge.com | jerecharge.com | contact@jerecharge.com |
e-Mobility servicel unit | FRKPS | KiwhiPass Solution | KiwhiPass Solution | www.easytrip.fr |
e-Mobility servicel unit | FRKV2 | Kolektivolt_2 | Kolektivolt SAS | contact@kolektivolt.fr |
e-Mobility servicel unit | FRLGC | Commune de La Garenne-Colombes | IZIVIA | https://www.lagarennecolombes.fr/ |
e-Mobility servicel unit | FRLMC | LOAD MY CAR | sarl L.M.C (en formation) | impact-diffusion@wanadoo.fr |
e-Mobility servicel unit | FRLMS | Last Mile Solutions | Threeforce (Last Mile Solutions) | www.lastmilesolutions.com |
e-Mobility servicel unit | FRLOD | LODMI | LODMI | contact@lodmi.com |
e-Mobility servicel unit | FRLST | LOAD STATIONS | LOAD STATIONS | patricia.jude@load-stations.com |
e-Mobility servicel unit | FRLYK | Lyko | Lyko SAS | hello@lyko.tech |
e-Mobility servicel unit | FRMCP | Mobilize Charge Pass | Plugsurfing GmbH | https://www.renault.fr/mobilize-services/charge-pass.html |
e-Mobility servicel unit | FRMES | Mob-Energy | Mob-Energy SAS | contact-mes@mob-energy.com |
e-Mobility servicel unit | FRMET | Métropolis | SPIE CityNetworks | http://metropolis-recharge.fr/ |
e-Mobility servicel unit | FRMOB | MOBELEC | MOBELEC | contact@groupe-mobelec.fr |
e-Mobility servicel unit | FRMOO | Mooncard | Moongroup SAS | hello@mooncard.co |
e-Mobility servicel unit | FRMPS | MOBILYPASS | MOBILYGREEN SAS | contact@mobilygreen.fr |
e-Mobility servicel unit | FRNVH | NVH | NVH | contact@nvh-france.fr |
e-Mobility servicel unit | FRORV | O'TERRE | OBORNES | contact@obornes.fr |
e-Mobility servicel unit | FROWA | Oriway | Oriway | contact@oriway.app |
e-Mobility servicel unit | FRPHL | PhilGood (nom provisoire) | PhilGood (nom provisoire | www.philgoodapp.com (provisoire) |
e-Mobility servicel unit | FRPYE | PICOTY | PICOTY SAS | contact@picoty.fr |
e-Mobility servicel unit | FRQIV | Qivia | Qivia | p.chopin@qivia.fr |
e-Mobility servicel unit | FRQOV | QOVOLTIS | QOVOLTIS | olivier.parret@qovoltis.com |
e-Mobility servicel unit | FRRMA | Recharger Mon Auto | Recharger Mon Auto | 41 rue d'Aulnay 95500 Gonesse |
e-Mobility servicel unit | FRRVE | REVEO | Load Stations | https://reveocharge.com/fr/ |
e-Mobility servicel unit | FRSCA | SCANIA FRANCE | SCANIA FRANCE | https://www.scania.com/fr/fr/home.html/ |
e-Mobility servicel unit | FRSCN | SPIE CITYNETWORKS | SPIE CITYNETWORKS | assistance-commerciale@oriosbyspie.com |
e-Mobility servicel unit | FRSDF | SuiviDeFlotte.net | SuiviDeFlotte.net | www.suivideflotte.net |
e-Mobility servicel unit | FRSFS | Shell Fleet Solutions | Shell EV Charging Solutions BV | www.shellrecharge.com |
e-Mobility servicel unit | FRSHL | Shell Recharge | Shell EV Charging Solutions BV | roaming@shellrecharge.com |
e-Mobility servicel unit | FRSMI | Tec-IT-Easy | WattzHub | 40, Allée de la mare Jodoin |
e-Mobility servicel unit | FRSOM | IZIVIA | IZIVIA | https://www.izivia.com/ |
e-Mobility servicel unit | FRSTE | STATIONS-E | Stations-e | www.stations-e.com - contact@stations-e.com |
e-Mobility servicel unit | FRSWS | SOWATT SOLUTIONS | SOWATT SOLUTIONS | www.sowattsolutions.com |
e-Mobility servicel unit | FRT05 | RT78 | BOUYGUES | 22 rue Gustave Eiffel - BP 40036 - 78511 Rambouillet Cedex |
e-Mobility servicel unit | FRT14 | MobiSDEC | CITEOS | mobisdec@sdec-energie.fr |
e-Mobility servicel unit | FRT22 | BREVCAR | Sodetrel | sde22@sde22.fr |
e-Mobility servicel unit | FRT49 | Syndicat Intercommunal d'Energies de Maine-et-Loire (Siéml) | Spie CityNetworks | m.adrion@sieml.fr |
e-Mobility servicel unit | FRT53 | Territoire d'Énergie de la Mayenne | Bouygues Energies & Services | www.territoire-energie53.fr |
e-Mobility servicel unit | FRT56 | Morbihan Mobilité | Spie Ouest Centre | contact@sdem.fr |
e-Mobility servicel unit | FRT76 | SDE76 | Total Energies Marketing France | 240 Rue Augustin Fresnel 76230 Isneauville |
e-Mobility servicel unit | FRT79 | Alterbase | SEOLIS | bo@seolis.net |
e-Mobility servicel unit | FRT85 | Syndicat Départemental d'Energie et d'Equipement de la Vendée | SPIE CityNetworks | http://www.sydev-vendee.fr/ |
e-Mobility servicel unit | FRTN1 | NewMotion | The New Motion BV | www.newmotion.com |
e-Mobility servicel unit | FRTOT | TMP | Total Marketing & Services | http://www.total.com |
e-Mobility servicel unit | FRTPD | Torpedo | The Field | blebrun@thefield.team |
e-Mobility servicel unit | FRTSL | Tesla | Tesla France S.à r.l. | www.tesla.com |
e-Mobility servicel unit | FRULY | Ulys | Ulys | ulys.vinci-autoroutes.com |
e-Mobility servicel unit | FRUMS | Ulys | Ulys Mobilité Services | www.ulys.vinci-autoroutes.com |
e-Mobility servicel unit | FRVAY | vaylens GmbH | vaylens GmbH | https://vaylens.com/contact-sales/ |
e-Mobility servicel unit | FRWCH | Ouestcharge | IZIVIA | www.ouestcharge.fr |
e-Mobility servicel unit | FRWGO | WE-GO | WE-GO Solution | www.we-go.pro |
e-Mobility servicel unit | FRWRN | Werenode | Werenode SAS | support@werenode.com |
e-Mobility servicel unit | FRYAW | Yaway | Kallista BDR | yaway.exploitation@kallistaenergy.com |
e-Mobility servicel unit | FRZM1 | ZEPHYRE | ZEPHYRE | gaelle@zephyre.fr |
e-Mobility servicel unit | FRZMS | ZEborne Mobility Services | Energy Dynamics Services | contact@zeborne.com |
e-Mobility servicel unit | FRZPG | ZEPLUG | ZEPLUG | https://www.zeplug.com/ |
e-Mobility servicel unit | FRZWM | ZE-WATT | ZE-WATT | contact@ze-watt.com |
Type of operational unit | Operational unit identifier | Charging operational unit name | Operator company name | Owner company name | Public contact address |
Charging operation unit | FR073 | ACELEC CHARGE | ACELEC SAS | ACELEC SAS | acelec-france.com |
Charging operation unit | FR0CU | Charge Unix | Charge Unix | Charge Unix | contact@charge-unix.fr |
Charging operation unit | FR0NX | NEXTENEO | NEXTENEO | NEXTENEO | contact@nexteneo.com |
Charging operation unit | FR147 | E.Z.O | E.Z.O | E.Z.O | ezofrance@gmail.com |
Charging operation unit | FR151 | PORT DE CAEN OUISTREHAM | Madic | CCI DE CAEN | CCI Caen Normandie – Direction des équipements Portuaires - Bassin d’Hérouville – 978 RD 402 – 14200 Hérouville Saint-Clair |
Charging operation unit | FR190 | Watt'up | ENERJUMP | ENERJUMP | c.blanchot@enerjump.fr |
Charging operation unit | FR281 | WALLCORP | KAP ENERJ SAS | KAP ENERJ SAS | contact@wallcorp.fr |
Charging operation unit | FR3R3 | R3 | R3 | R3 | https://www.r3-charge.fr/ |
Charging operation unit | FR55C | Electric 55 Charging | Electric 55 Charging | Electric 55 Charging | contact@e55c.com |
Charging operation unit | FR594 | Communauté d'Agglomération de Cambrai | BOUYGUES ENERGIES ET SERVICES | Communauté d'Agglomération de Cambrai | contact@agglo-cambrai.fr |
Charging operation unit | FR5GS | GREENSPOT - MOBILYGREEN | ENERSOFT | ENERSOFT | compta@greenspot.fr |
Charging operation unit | FR730 | MAIRIE DE MARCK | BOUYGUES ENERGIES | COLLECTIVITE TERRITORIALE | 2 place de l'Europe 62730 MARCK |
Charging operation unit | FR777 | BE GREEN MOBILITY | BE GREEN MOBILITY | BE GREEN MOBILITY | contact@metld.fr |
Charging operation unit | FR911 | Porsche Sales & Marketplace GmbH | Porsche Sales & Marketplace GmbH | Porsche Sales & Marketplace GmbH | smartmobility@de.porsche.com |
Charging operation unit | FRA02 | Communauté d'Agglomération de Marne et Gondoire | MopEasy | MopEasy | |
Charging operation unit | FRA03 | Communauté dAgglomération Paris - Vallée de la Ma | MopEasy | MopEasy | |
Charging operation unit | FRA04 | Val d'Europe agglomération | MopEasy | MopEasy | |
Charging operation unit | FRA05 | Rambouillet Territoires | Rambouillet Territoires | Rambouillet Territoires | a.buffler@bouygues-es.com |
Charging operation unit | FRA07 | CCHVC | CLEM' | Communauté de communes de la Haute Vallée de Chevreuse | contact@clem.mobi |
Charging operation unit | FRA15 | CC- Plaine de l'Ain | Bouygues Energies & Services | Communauté de Communes de la Plaine de l'Ain | www.cc-plainedelain.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRA16 | Réseau WiiiZ | Les Communautés d’Agglo de Sophia Antipolis, Pays de Grasse et Cannes Pays de Lérins | Les Communautés d’Agglo de Sophia Antipolis, Pays de Grasse et Cannes Pays de Lérins | a.cazal@agglo-casa.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRA21 | Communauté de communes de la Côtière | Bouygues Energies et Services | Communauté de communes de la Côtière | www.3cm.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRA22 | Communauté d'Agglomération de la Riviera Française | Bouygues Energies et Services | Communauté d'Agglomération de la Riviera Française | https://www.riviera-francaise.fr/ |
Charging operation unit | FRA30 | Le Pont du Gard | Bouygues Energies et Services | Etablissement public de coopération culturelle du Pont du Gard | http://www.pontdugard.fr/fr |
Charging operation unit | FRA31 | Toulouse Métropole - Parking | Bouygues Energies et Services | Toulouse Métropole | https://www.toulouse-metropole.fr/je-participe/contact |
Charging operation unit | FRA51 | CC – Vitry Champagne et Der | Bouygues Energies et Services | Communauté de communes Vitry Champagne et DER | www.vitrychampagneetder.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRA87 | SMA PNR Gatinais | Bouygues Energies et Services | SYNDICAT MIXTE D'AMENAGEMENT ET DE GESTION DU PARC NATUREL REGIONAL DU GATINAIS FRANCAIS | http://www.parc-gatinais-francais.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRA88 | Communauté de Communes de la Châtaigneraie Cantalienne | Bouygues Energies et Services | Communauté de Communes de la Châtaigneraie Cantalienne | https://www.chataigneraie15.fr/ |
Charging operation unit | FRABA | CCVBA | Bouygues Energies & Services | Communauté de communes vallée des Baux-alpilles | www.vallee-des-baux-alpilles.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRACA | AEROPORTS DE LA COTE D'AZUR | AEROPORTS DE LA COTE D'AZUR | AEROPORTS DE LA COTE D'AZUR | mobilite-stationnement@cote-azur.aeroport.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRADP | Paris Aéroport | IZIVIA – Groupe EDF | Aéroports de Paris SA | www.parisaeroport.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRAIR | Airbus | DRIVECO | Airbus | exploitation@driveco.com |
Charging operation unit | FRALL | Allego France | Allego France SAS | Allego France SAS | info.allego.france@allego.eu |
Charging operation unit | FRALN | ALDI SARL | GREENFLUX Assets B.V | SARL | https://www.aldi.fr/aide.html |
Charging operation unit | FRALS | ALTENSYS | SAS ALTENSYS | SAS ALTENSYS | www.altensys.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRANG | ChargeAngels | ChargeAngels SAS | ChargeAngels SAS | www.chargeangels.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRAPR | APRR | APRR | APRR | servicepro@kiwhipass.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRAPS | AMPERUS | AMPERUS | AMPERUS | administratif@amperus.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRARE | AREA TECH | AREA TECH | MARGEZ AUTOMOBILE | https://margez-automobiles.fr/ |
Charging operation unit | FRATL | Atlante | Atlante | Atlante | https://nhoa.energy/atlante/ |
Charging operation unit | FRAUT | Autel Europe | Autel Netherlands B.V. | Autel Netherlands B.V. | https://autelenergy.eu |
Charging operation unit | FRAVE | AVENEL | SGA MOBILITY | AVENEL | contact@avenel.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRBAT | KALBORN | BATIKAL SAS (deviendra KALBORN) | BATIKAL SAS (deviendra KALBORN) | www.batikal-group.com |
Charging operation unit | FRBBJ | BBJ Mazères | SCASO | SCASO | rue des Troenes, 33210 Mazères |
Charging operation unit | FRBCC | BEC CONSTRUCTION CHAMPAGNE | BEC CONSTRUCTION CHAMPAGNE | BEC CONSTRUCTION CHAMPAGNE | becconstruction@becchampagne.fayat.com |
Charging operation unit | FRBCF | BE CHARGE | Be Charge France | Be Charge France | 30 rue Victor Hugo CS10232 92532 Levallois Perret Cedex |
Charging operation unit | FRBE1 | Bouygues Energies & Services | Bouygues Energies & Services | Bouygues Energies & Services | https://alizecharge.com/fr/ |
Charging operation unit | FRBE2 | Bouygues Energies & Services | Bouygues Energies & Services | Bouygues Energies & Services | https://alizecharge.com/fr/ |
Charging operation unit | FRBEC | Be Cablé | SPIE CITYNETWORKS | BE TROM SE MARQUE BE CABLÉ | https://becable.fr/contact/ |
Charging operation unit | FRBEZ | Ville de Béziers | SPIE CityNetworks | R-Mob | assistance-commerciale@oriosbyspie.com |
Charging operation unit | FRBFC | Citeos pour le compte du réseau de recharge en Bourgogne-Franche-Comté | Cogelum | Citeos opère le réseau de recharge en Bourgogne-Franche-Comté | cpo@citeos.com |
Charging operation unit | FRBHM | BORNECO | BORNECO | BORNECO | www.borneco.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRBLR | MA BORNE LR | MA BORNE LR | MA BORNE LR | contact@mabornelr.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRBMP | Bump | bump | bump | francois.oudot@bump-charge.com |
Charging operation unit | FRBPE | bp pulse | ChargePoint Austria GmbH | bp France | francois.menudier@bp.com |
Charging operation unit | FRBPF | bp France | bp France | bp France | www.bp.com/fr |
Charging operation unit | FRBR1 | Bohr Emobility | Bohr Emobility | Bohr Emobility | contact@bohr-energie.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRBRS | BRS | Borne Recharge Service | Borne Recharge Service | www.bornerecharge.com |
Charging operation unit | FRBS1 | Bornes Solutions | Bornes Solutions | Bornes Solutions | contact@bornes-solutions.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRBSC | Bornes Solutions - Itinérance Publique Copropriété | BORNES SOLUTIONS | BORNES SOLUTIONS | https://www.bornes-solutions.fr/ |
Charging operation unit | FRBSP | Bornes Solutions - Itinérance Publique | BORNES SOLUTIONS | BORNES SOLUTIONS | technique@bornes-solutions.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRC01 | Métropole Rouen Normandie | Bouygues Energies & Services | Métropole Rouen Normandie | à renseigner |
Charging operation unit | FRC2A | CAR2PLUG | CLICSYSTEME - CAR2PLUG | CLICSYSTEME - CAR2PLUG | contact@car2plug.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRC2N | CAR2PLUG | CLICSYSTEME - CAR2PLUG | CLICSYSTEME - CAR2PLUG | contact@car2plug.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRC2P | CAR2PLUG | Clicsysteme SAS - Car2Plug | Clicsysteme SAS - Car2Plug | contact@car2plug.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRC4F | Compleo Charging Technologies | Compleo Charging Technologies GmbH | Compleo Charging Technologies GmbH | servicedesk@compleo-cs.com |
Charging operation unit | FRCAR | Carrefour Proximité | E-TOTEM | Carrefour Hypermarchés | contact@e-totem.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRCG0 | ChargeGuru | RAIDEN SAS | RAIDEN SAS | chargeguru.com |
Charging operation unit | FRCG1 | ChargeGuru | RAIDEN | RAIDEN | cpo-tech@chargeguru.com |
Charging operation unit | FRCHA | CHARGEPOLY | CHARGEPOLY | CHARGEPOLY | www.chargepoly.com |
Charging operation unit | FRCHK | Chargekeeper | Chargekeeper | Chargekeeper | contact@charge-keeper.com |
Charging operation unit | FRCIT | CITEOS | Citeos | Citeos | https://www.citeos.fr/nos-expertises/mobilite-decarbonee/mobilite-electrique/ |
Charging operation unit | FRCM1 | CLEM | Clem' | Clem' | it@clem-e.com |
Charging operation unit | FRCNT | CONECTIC | SAS | SAS | 10 T Rue Jean-Jacques Rousseau - 91350 - Grigny |
Charging operation unit | FRCOF | COFIROUTE | Easy Charge | Cofiroute | eric.mendels@vinci-autoroutes.com |
Charging operation unit | FRCPI | ChargePoint | ChargePoint Network (Netherlands) BV | ChargePoint Network (Netherlands) BV | https://www.chargepoint.com/fr-fr/ |
Charging operation unit | FRCTS | Citeos Vinci Energies | Citeos | Citeos | 50 avenue François Arago |
Charging operation unit | FRCVT | Covolt | Covolt B.V. | Covolt B.V. | charge@covolt.eu |
Charging operation unit | FRDMB | DKV Mobility | Marco van Kalleveen (CEO) | Marco van Kalleveen (CEO) | https://www.dkv-mobility.com |
Charging operation unit | FRDNP | DROPNPLUG | DROPNPLUG | DROPNPLUG | claude.lebrize@dropnplug.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRDOU | KBDR DOUAINS | KALLISTA BDR | KALLISTA BDR | exploitation@kallistaenergy.com |
Charging operation unit | FRDRE | Dream Energy | Dream Energy | Dream Energy | contact@dream-energy.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRDRV | DRIVECO charging network | DRIVECO | DRIVECO | support@driveco.com |
Charging operation unit | FRDS6 | Commuanuté de Communes Desvres Samer | CLEM MOBI | EPCI | electromobilite@cc-desvressamer.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRDWD | Docuworld | Bouygues Energies & Services | Docuworld | www.docuworld.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRE04 | IZIVIA-Corridoor | IZIVIA | IZIVIA | 10 avenue de l'Arche 92419 Courbevoie |
Charging operation unit | FRE05 | Renault-Employés | Sodetrel | Renault | |
Charging operation unit | FRE08 | DRIVECO | DRIVECO SAS | DRIVECO SAS | info@driveco.com |
Charging operation unit | FRE10 | Virta | Virta | Virta | roaming@virta.global |
Charging operation unit | FRE11 | Leroy-Merlin | DRIVECO | LEROY MERLIN | www.driv-eco.com info@driv-eco.com |
Charging operation unit | FRE12 | Marché International de Rungis | Virta | SEMMARIS Marché de Rungis | www.rungiselectrique.com |
Charging operation unit | FRE27 | ODIM Infrastructure | ODIM | ODIM | odim.mq97@gmail.com |
Charging operation unit | FRE32 | Centre Leclerc Trie Chateau | TRIDIS S.A.S. | TRIDIS S.A.S. | jean-christophe.fillatre@trie-chateau.leclerc |
Charging operation unit | FRE44 | AIRBUS ESR | ELECTRIC SUD RESEAUX | ELECTRIC SUD RESEAUX | contact@esr31.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRE45 | IMT Douai | DRIVECO | IMT Douai | www.driv-eco.com - info@driv-eco.com |
Charging operation unit | FRE47 | Hotel Akena | DRIVECO | SAS JPR HOSPITALITY | www.driv-eco.com - info@driv-eco.com |
Charging operation unit | FRE59 | SCAPNOR | SCAPNOR | SCAPNOR | SCAPNOR Chemin du bac des aubins - ZAE 95820 BRUYERES SUR OISE |
Charging operation unit | FREAB | EAB | AMPECO | E.A.BUSINESS | www.eabox.Fr |
Charging operation unit | FREBN | CPO Réseau EBORN | SPBR1 | SPBR1 | contact@easycharge-vinci.com |
Charging operation unit | FRECH | Easy Charge | Easy Charge | Easy Charge | contact@easycharge-vinci.com |
Charging operation unit | FRECN | MEA ENERGIES | MEA ENERGIES | MEA ENERGIES | contact@meaenergies.com |
Charging operation unit | FRECP | ProperPhi | ProperPhi | ProperPhi | contact@properphi.com |
Charging operation unit | FREDI | EDRI | Sönke Horn | Sönke Horn | soenke.horn@eon.com |
Charging operation unit | FREES | Engie Energie Services | Engie Energie Service | Engie Energie Service | erwan.dechambure@engie.com |
Charging operation unit | FREFC | EDRI | E.ON Drive Infrastructure GmbH | E.ON Drive Infrastructure GmbH | www.eon.com |
Charging operation unit | FREFL | Road | Road | Road | https://road.io/ |
Charging operation unit | FREGR | EG Retail (France) -Stations BP en France | Izivia | EG Retail (France) SAS | www.stationsbp.fr |
Charging operation unit | FREKL | EKLEO Montlouis-sur-Loire | PROVIRIDIS | TRANSPORTS EKLEO | https://www.ekleo-transports.fr/ |
Charging operation unit | FRELC | Electra | Electra SAS | Electra SAS | hello@go-electra.com |
Charging operation unit | FRELE | Electrip | Electrip Energy Solutions and Mobility Services | Electrip Energy Solutions and Mobility Services | 58-60 avenue de le Grande Armée |
Charging operation unit | FRELM | Reseau Le Mans, parking Cénovia | E-TOTEM | E-TOTEM | E-Totem, 15 rue Camille de Rochetaillée 42000 St Etienne |
Charging operation unit | FRELT | ELTO | ELTO HOLDING | ELTO HOLDING | https://elto-electric-together.com/fr/expert-mobilite-durable/ |
Charging operation unit | FRELY | BORNE SIE-ELY | BOUYGUES ENERGIES & SERVICES | SIE-ELY | sieely@orange.fr |
Charging operation unit | FREMI | E.Leclerc Millau Centre Cial Du Viaduc | SAS MACRIS | SAS MACRIS | https://www.e.leclerc/mag/e-leclerc-millau |
Charging operation unit | FREMO | E-MOTUM | SAS E-MOTUM | SAS E-MOTUM | contact@e-motum.net |
Charging operation unit | FRENR | Enerstock Charging Station | Enerstock | Enerstock | info@enerstock.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRENT | Enerstock Charging Station | ENERSTOCK | ENERSTOCK | l.gailland@enerstock.fr |
Charging operation unit | FREOL | EOLIBERTY Network | EOLIBERTY | EOLIBERTY | www.eoliberty.fr |
Charging operation unit | FREPA | EPAPS | IZIVIA | EPAPS - Etablissement Public d'Aménagement Paris Saclay | delia.copel@oin-paris-saclay.fr |
Charging operation unit | FREPI | ECO-PI | ECO-PI | ECO-PI | contact@eco-pi.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRERA | Eranovum e-Mobility | ChargeGuru | Eranovum e-Mobility France | https://www.eranovum.energy |
Charging operation unit | FRESE | Réseau saint Étienne métropole | Semob | Semob | Contact@e-totem.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRESL | Free2Move eSolutions | Free2Move eSolutions | Free2Move eSolutions | https://www.esolutions.free2move.com/contacts/ |
Charging operation unit | FREST | E-STATION | E-STATION | E-STATION | https://e-station-groupe.fr/ |
Charging operation unit | FRETI | E-TOTEM TI | E-TOTEM INFRASTRUCTURES 2 | E-TOTEM INFRASTRUCTURES 2 | contact@e-totem.fr |
Charging operation unit | FREVA | EVADEA | SPIE CITYNETWORKS | SPIE CITYNETWORKS | assistance-commerciale@oriosbyspie.com |
Charging operation unit | FREVC | EV Cars | EV Cars SAS | EV Cars SAS | j.gadrat@evcars.fr |
Charging operation unit | FREVE | FAROAD | FAROAD | FAROAD | assistance-evecarplug@faroad-solution.com |
Charging operation unit | FREVZ | evZen | SMEG Développement | SMEG Développement | www.evzen.com |
Charging operation unit | FREXA | EXADYS | EXADYS | EXADYS | hello@exadys.com |
Charging operation unit | FREZD | E.Zdrive | SURAYA | SURAYA | http://ezdrive.fr/ |
Charging operation unit | FRFAS | Fastned | Fastned France SAS | Fastned France SAS | support@fastned.nl |
Charging operation unit | FRFLB | Flowbird Park & Charge | Flowbird SAS | Flowbird SAS | https://www.flowbird.group/ |
Charging operation unit | FRFR0 | Freshmile CPO | Freshmile SAS | Freshmile SAS | roaming@freshmile.com |
Charging operation unit | FRFR1 | Freshmile | Freshmile | Freshmile | www.freshmile.com - office@freshmile.com |
Charging operation unit | FRFR2 | Freshmile-Advenir | Freshmile | Freshmile | www.freshmile.com office@freshmile.com |
Charging operation unit | FRFR3 | Freshmile Infrastructure | Freshmile | Freshmile | www.freshmile.com office@freshmile.com |
Charging operation unit | FRFRS | Freshmile Semi-public | Freshmile | Freshmile | roaming@freshmile.com |
Charging operation unit | FRFUL | Fulgura | E.G.E.Noël Beranger | E.G.E.Noël Beranger | fulgura@noelberanger.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRFZD | Fuzed | Fuzed SAS | Fuzed SAS | contact@fuzed.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRG02 | Carrefour Property | G2 Mobility | Carrefour Property France | 58 avenue Emile Zola - 92649 Boulogne Billancourt cedex |
Charging operation unit | FRG05 | Centre Commercial Grand Var | Bouygues Energies et Services | Centre Commercial Grand Var | https://www.grandvar.com/ |
Charging operation unit | FRG06 | COLRUYT | Bouygues Energies et Services | COLRUYT | http://www.colruyt.fr/ |
Charging operation unit | FRG10 | Points de charge hors voirie publique France entière multi-aménageurs | E-TOTEM (Points de recharge isolés privés hors voirie publique) | E-TOTEM (Points de recharge isolés privés hors voirie publique) | immeuble le Rocacier, 15 rue Camille de Rochetaillée 42000 St Etienne |
Charging operation unit | FRG11 | LE CAMPING DU LAC | Lafon | LE CAMPING DU LAC | http://www.sainteeulalieenborn.fr/ |
Charging operation unit | FRG29 | Immo Mousquetaires | Bouygues Energies et Services | Immo Mousquetaires | https://immobilier.mousquetaires.com/ |
Charging operation unit | FRG38 | BE TROM SOLUTIONS ENVIRONNEMENTALES MARQUE Be Cablé | Bouygues Energies et Services | BE TROM SOLUTIONS ENVIRONNEMENTALES | ytricaud@betrom-se.com |
Charging operation unit | FRG51 | Driveco pour Décathlon | Driveco | Driveco | www.driveco.com - info@driveco.com |
Charging operation unit | FRG53 | GOLF CLUB DE LYON | Bouygues Energies et Services | GOLF CLUB DE LYON | https://www.golfclubdelyon.com/fr/ |
Charging operation unit | FRG58 | CI2C | Bouygues Energies et Services | CONSTRUCTIONS INDUSTRIELLES ET COMMERCIALES CRESPY | http://groupe-crespy.fr/ |
Charging operation unit | FRGCE | Elli | Elli | Volkswagen Group Charging GmbH | https://www.elli.eco/fr/contacter |
Charging operation unit | FRGFX | GreenFlux | GreenFlux | GreenFlux | www.greenflux.com |
Charging operation unit | FRGMB | GAIA Mobility | GAIA MOBILITY | GAIA MOBILITY | contact@gaia-mobility.com |
Charging operation unit | FRGMO | GEMO | Bouygues Energies et Services | GEMO | https://www.gemo.fr/ |
Charging operation unit | FRGOB | GMOB | GMOB | GMOB | alban.maynadie@genergies.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRGRN | Gaia Green Charging | Gaia Green Tech S.L. | Gaia Green Tech S.L. | contact@gaiagreen.tech |
Charging operation unit | FRGSP | GREENSPOT | ENERSOFT | ENERSOFT | compta@greenspot.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRGYM | GreenYellow, Shift Mobility | GreenYellow | GreenYellow | emobility@greenyellow.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRH01 | Pass Pass Electrique - Communauté d'Agglomération du Pays de Saint Omer | Bouygues Energies et Services | Communauté d'Agglomération du Pays de Saint Omer | http://passpasselectrique.fr/ |
Charging operation unit | FRH02 | Pass Pass Electrique - Communauté d'Agglomération Maubeuge Val de Sambre | Bouygues Energies et Services | Communauté d'Agglomération Maubeuge Val de Sambre | http://passpasselectrique.fr/ |
Charging operation unit | FRH03 | Pass Pass Electrique - Communauté d'Agglomération Valenciennes Métropole | Bouygues Energies et Services | Communauté d'Agglomération Valenciennes Métropole | http://passpasselectrique.fr/ |
Charging operation unit | FRH04 | Pass Pass Electrique - Communauté d'Agglomération Douaisis Agglo | Bouygues Energies et Services | Communauté d'Agglomération Douaisis Agglo | http://passpasselectrique.fr/ |
Charging operation unit | FRH05 | Pass Pass Electrique - Communauté d'Agglomération du Boulonnais | Bouygues Energies et Services | Communauté d'Agglomération du Boulonnais | http://passpasselectrique.fr/ |
Charging operation unit | FRH06 | Pass Pass Electrique - Communauté Urbaine d'Arras | Bouygues Energies et Services | Communauté Urbaine d'Arras | http://passpasselectrique.fr/ |
Charging operation unit | FRH07 | Pass Pass Electrique - Communauté de Communes du Coeur d'Ostrevent | Bouygues Energies et Services | Communauté de Communes du Coeur d'Ostrevent | http://passpasselectrique.fr/ |
Charging operation unit | FRH08 | Pass Pass Electrique - Ville d'Hazebrouck | Bouygues Energies et Services | Ville d'Hazebrouck | http://passpasselectrique.fr/ |
Charging operation unit | FRH09 | Pass Pass Electrique - Communauté de Communes Flandre-Lys | Bouygues Energies et Services | Communauté de Communes Flandre-Lys | http://passpasselectrique.fr/ |
Charging operation unit | FRH10 | Pass Pass Electrique - Communauté de Communes du Pays de Lumbres | Bouygues Energies et Services | Communauté de Communes du Pays de Lumbres | http://passpasselectrique.fr/ |
Charging operation unit | FRH11 | Pass Pass Electrique - Communauté de Communes du Pays d'Opale | Bouygues Energies et Services | Communauté de Communes du Pays d'Opale | http://passpasselectrique.fr/ |
Charging operation unit | FRH13 | Pass Pass Electrique - Communauté d'Agglomération Béthune Bruay Artois Lys Romane | Bouygues Energies et Services | Communauté d'Agglomération Béthune Bruay Artois Lys Romane | http://passpasselectrique.fr/ |
Charging operation unit | FRH15 | Communauté Urbaine de Dunkerque | Bouygues Energies et Services | Pass Pass Electrique - Communauté Urbaine de Dunkerque | http://passpasselectrique.fr/ |
Charging operation unit | FRH16 | Communauté de Communes du Pays de Mormal | Bouygues Energies et Services | Pass Pass Electrique - Communauté de Communes du Pays de Mormal | http://passpasselectrique.fr/ |
Charging operation unit | FRH17 | Ville de Fourmies | Bouygues Energies et Services | Pass Pass Electrique - Ville de Fourmies | http://passpasselectrique.fr/ |
Charging operation unit | FRH18 | Communauté de Communes Campagnes de l'Artois | Bouygues Energies et Services | Pass Pass Electrique - Communauté de Communes Campagnes de l'Artois | http://passpasselectrique.fr/ |
Charging operation unit | FRH19 | Ville d'Annoeullin | Bouygues Energies et Services | Pass Pass Electrique - Ville d'Annoeullin | http://passpasselectrique.fr/ |
Charging operation unit | FRH20 | Communauté de Communes Pévèle Carembault | Bouygues Energies et Services | Pass Pass Electrique - Communauté de Communes Pévèle Carembault | http://passpasselectrique.fr/ |
Charging operation unit | FRH21 | Pass Pass Electrique - Commune d'Hénin-Beaumont | Bouygues Energies et Services | Commune d'Hénin-Beaumont | http://passpasselectrique.fr/ |
Charging operation unit | FRHDA | Réseau PL de AS24 | TotalEnergies Charging Services | AS24 | https://www.as24.com/fr/formulaire-contact |
Charging operation unit | FRHDT | Réseau PL de TotalEnergies | TotalEnergies | TotalEnergies | https://evcharge.totalenergies.com/fr/nous-contacter |
Charging operation unit | FRHF1 | Bornes IRVE Communauté de Communes des Hauts de Flandre | Communauté de Communes des Hauts de Flandre -CCHF | Communauté de Communes des Hauts de Flandre -CCHF | contacttechnique@cchf.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRHOP | HOPLA POWER CHARGE | CHARGEKEEPER | ELECTRICITE VEIT | contact@hoplapowercharge.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRHPB | Communauté de communes de la Houve et du Pays Boulageois | Cogelum | Communauté de communes de la Houve et du Pays Boulageois | https://www.paysboulageois.fr/ |
Charging operation unit | FRIEN | IECharge France | NW IECharge | NW IECharge | contact@nw-joules.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRIIM | IZIVIA IMPACT | IZIVIA | IZIVIA IMPACT | www.izivia.com |
Charging operation unit | FRIKA | IRVE IKEA FRANCE | IZIVIA | MEUBLES IKEA FRANCE | 425 rue Henri Barbusse BP 129, 78 375 PLAISIR Cedex |
Charging operation unit | FRIND | INDELEC MOBILITY | INDELEC MOBILITY | INDELEC MOBILITY | mobility@indelec.com |
Charging operation unit | FRION | IONITY | IONITY GmbH | IONITY GmbH | www.ionity.eu |
Charging operation unit | FRIOY | IONITY GmbH | IONITY GmbH | IONITY GmbH | www.ionity.eu |
Charging operation unit | FRIPK | Interparking France | TotalEnergies Marketing France | Interparking France SA | remiscordia@interparking.com |
Charging operation unit | FRISC | ISC - ELECTRISE | ISC (Ingénierie Station de Charge) | ISC (Ingénierie Station de Charge) | contact@electrise.eu |
Charging operation unit | FRISE | INOUID Smart ECharging | INOUID | INOUID | contact@inouid.com |
Charging operation unit | FRIXL | IZIVIA EXPRESS | IZIVIA | IZIVIA EXPRESS | www.izivia.com |
Charging operation unit | FRIZF | IZIVIA FAST | IZIVIA FAST | IZIVIA FAST | https://www.izivia.com/ |
Charging operation unit | FRIZM | IZIVIA Métropoles | IZIVIA Métropoles | IZIVIA Métropoles | https://www.izivia.com/ |
Charging operation unit | FRJBA | E-MOTUM | SAS E-MOTUM | SAS E-MOTUM | contact@e-motum.net |
Charging operation unit | FRJRC | jerecharge.com | jerecharge.com | jerecharge.com | contact@jerecharge.com |
Charging operation unit | FRKV2 | Kolektivolt_2 | Kolektivolt SAS | Kolektivolt SAS | contact@kolektivolt.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRLAF | LAFON Technologies siège Bassens | LAFON Technologies | LAFON Technologies | contact@lafon.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRLDL | Lidl France | has·to·be gmbh | LIDL | https://www.lidl.fr/contact |
Charging operation unit | FRLE1 | E.Leclerc | ChargePulse | SIPLEC | c.walgenwitz@siplec.com |
Charging operation unit | FRLE2 | E.Leclerc | Freshmile | E.Leclerc | l.hallopeau@siplec.com |
Charging operation unit | FRLEK | LEKTRI.CO | CIVITRONIC SRL, Gheorghe Doja 11, Timisoara, Roumanie | CIVITRONIC SRL, Gheorghe Doja 11, Timisoara, Roumanie | office@lektri.co |
Charging operation unit | FRLGC | Commune de La Garenne-Colombes | IZIVIA | Commune de La Garenne-Colombes | https://www.lagarennecolombes.fr/ |
Charging operation unit | FRLGE | Réseaux Groupe LGE | Groupe LGE | Groupe LGE | www.autoplug.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRLIB | EOLIBERTY | EOLIBERTY SAS | EOLIBERTY SAS | www.eoliberty.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRLMC | LOAD MY CAR | sarl L.M.C (en formation) | sarl L.M.C (en formation) | impact-diffusion@wanadoo.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRLMS | Last Mile Solutions | Threeforce (Last Mile Solutions) | Threeforce (Last Mile Solutions) | www.lastmilesolutions.com |
Charging operation unit | FRLOD | LODMI | LODMI | NORMATECH SAS | contact@lodmi.com |
Charging operation unit | FRLPA | LPA - Lyon Parc Auto | SEM LPA - Lyon Parc Auto | SEM LPA - Lyon Parc Auto | info@lpa.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRLPI | Allego Group | Allego Group | Allego Group | info@allego.eu |
Charging operation unit | FRLST | LOAD STATIONS | LOAD STATIONS | LOAD STATIONS | patricia.jude@load-stations.com |
Charging operation unit | FRLUM | LUMI'iN FRANCE | LUMI'iN | LUMI'iN | info@lumi-in.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRM13 | Aix-Marseille Provence Métropole | evzen | Aix-Marseille Provence Métropole | http://www.marseille-provence.fr/ |
Charging operation unit | FRM29 | Brest Métropole | Bouygues Energies & Services | Brest Métropole | https://www.brest.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRM31 | Toulouse Métropole | Bouygues Energies & Services | Toulouse Métropole (31) | |
Charging operation unit | FRM34 | Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole (34) | Bouygues Energies & Services | Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole (34) | |
Charging operation unit | FRM38 | Grenoble-Alpes Métropole | Bouygues Energies et Services | Grenoble-Alpes Métropole | https://www.lametro.fr/ |
Charging operation unit | FRM54 | Département de Meurthe et Moselle | Sodetrel | Département de Meurthe et Moselle Direction de l’Aménagement | gilles.jollivet@sodetrel.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRM59 | Pass Pass Electrique - Métropole Européenne de Lille | Bouygues Energies et Services | Métropole Européenne de Lille | http://passpasselectrique.fr/ |
Charging operation unit | FRMAP | Electromaps | Electromaps | Electromaps | info@electromaps.com |
Charging operation unit | FRMAU | ProperPhi | ProperPhi | ProperPhi | contact@properphi.com |
Charging operation unit | FRMBA | MA BORNE AUTO | ELEK | ELEK | https://maborneauto.com/ |
Charging operation unit | FRMBI | MOBIVE | Cogelum - Citeos | Territoire d'energie 47 - Coordinateur | contact@mobive.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRMBP | MobilityPlus | MobilityPlus | MobilityPlus | http://www.mobilityplus.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRMBX | Mercedes-Benz High Power Charging GmbH | Mercedes-Benz High Power Charging Europe GmbH | Mercedes-Benz High Power Charging Europe GmbH | roaming_eu@mercedes-benz.com |
Charging operation unit | FRMBZ | MPS France | Route220 srl | Route220 srl | simone.m@route220.it |
Charging operation unit | FRMEI | Mob-Energy | Mob-Energy SAS | Mob-Energy SAS | contact-mei@mob-energy.com |
Charging operation unit | FRMEL | Concession IRVE de la MEL | TotalEnergies Charging Services | TotalEnergies Charging Services | https://evcharge.totalenergies.com/fr/nous-contacter |
Charging operation unit | FRMFC | Mobilize Fast Charge | Route220 srl | ELTO HOLDING | https://elto-electric-together.com/fr/expert-mobilite-durable/ |
Charging operation unit | FRMGP | Métropolis | SPIE CityNetworks | Métropolis SAS | http://metropolis-recharge.fr/ |
Charging operation unit | FRMOB | MOBELEC | MOBELEC | MOBELEC | christophe.gaume@groupe-mobelec.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRMON | Monaco ON France | EVzen | Monaco ON | www.evzen.com |
Charging operation unit | FRMW1 | MOBILYWEB | MOBILYGREEN SAS | MOBILYGREEN SAS | contact@mobilygreen.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRN54 | SDE54 | MODULO | Métropole de Grand Nancy | https://www.grandnancy.eu/accueil |
Charging operation unit | FRNXS | Nexans Charging Solutions | Mutliples aménageurs | Mutliples aménageurs | thibault.dupont@nexans.com |
Charging operation unit | FROBS | ORIOS by SPIE | SPIE CityNetworks | SPIE CityNetworks | https://www.oriosbyspie.com |
Charging operation unit | FRONE | reev | reev GmbH | reev GmbH | https://reev.com/fr/ |
Charging operation unit | FRORV | O'TERRE | OBORNES | O'TERRE | contact@obornes.fr |
Charging operation unit | FROTH | Stations TIERS | IZIVIA | IZIVIA | 8 avenue avenue de l'arche 92400 - Courbevoie |
Charging operation unit | FROZE | OZECAR | Ozecar SAS | Ozecar SAS | ozecar.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRP01 | Parking EFFIA | EFFIA Stationnement | EFFIA Stationnement | nicolas.letessier@effia.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRP07 | INDIGO Group | Bouygues Energies et Services | INDIGO Group | https://www.group-indigo.com |
Charging operation unit | FRPA1 | AVIA Picoty Autoroutes | IZIVIA | Picoty Autoroutes | autoroutes@picoty.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRPAM | Paragon Mobility | Paragon Mobility Sas | Paragon Mobility Sas | contact@paragonmobility.com |
Charging operation unit | FRPAN | Securecharge | Securecharge (PAN BUSINESS & CONSULTING) | Securecharge (PAN BUSINESS & CONSULTING) | contact@securecharge.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRPD1 | Power Dot | Power Dot | Power Dot | https://www.powerdot.fr/contacts/ |
Charging operation unit | FRPHI | ProperPhi | ProperPhi | ProperPhi | contact@properphi.com |
Charging operation unit | FRPL1 | LePlein | DRIVECO | The Field | support@driveco.com |
Charging operation unit | FRPL2 | LePlein | Electra | The Field | https://www.go-electra.com/fr/contact/ |
Charging operation unit | FRPL3 | LePlein | Powerdot | The Field | https://www.powerdot.fr/contacts/ |
Charging operation unit | FRPLM | Prologis Mobility | Prologis Mobility B.V. | Prologis Mobility B.V. | eMobility@prologis.com |
Charging operation unit | FRPR1 | AVIA Picoty Réseau | MOBILYGREEN | Picoty Réseau | https://picoty.fr/ |
Charging operation unit | FRPRP | Ville de Perpignan | Cogelum | Ville de Perpignan | Pl. de la Loge, 66000 Perpignan |
Charging operation unit | FRPVD | PROVIRIDIS | PROVIRIDIS | PROVIRIDIS | www.proviridis.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRPY1 | PICOTY | PICOTY SAS | PICOTY SAS | contact@picoty.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRPY2 | AVIA PICOTY | PICOTY SAS | PICOTY SAS | contact@picoty.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRQOV | QOVOLTIS | QOVOLTIS | QOVOLTIS | incident.cpo@qovoltis.com |
Charging operation unit | FRQPK | Q-Park France | IZIVIA | Q-Park France | https://www.q-park.fr/ |
Charging operation unit | FRQWC | Qwello France SAS | Qwello France SAS | Qwello France SAS | info@qwello.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRQWT | QoWatt | e-Totem | QOWATT SAS | www.QoWatt.com |
Charging operation unit | FRRBO | Robert Bosch, Division Connected Mobility Solutions | Robert Bosch GmbH | Robert Bosch GmbH | https://www.bosch.com - support@bosch-emobility.com |
Charging operation unit | FRREB | REBORNE | COREM | COREM | www.reborne.re |
Charging operation unit | FRRIR | RIRODO | PERETTI GROUPE | PERETTI GROUPE | www.rirodo.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRRM1 | RIVIERA MOBILITES | IMAC2 SAS | IMAC2 SAS | https://www.rivieracarcenter.fr/contact/ |
Charging operation unit | FRRMA | Recharger mon auto | Recharger mon auto | Recharger mon auto | contact@rechargermonauto.com |
Charging operation unit | FRROC | ROCPIERRE | freshmile | ENT COUFFIGNAL | entcouffignal@outlook.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRROS | Rossini Energy | Rossini Energy | Rossini Energy | info@rossinienergy.com |
Charging operation unit | FRRSE | Régie Services Energie | SPIE CityNetworks | Régie Services Energie | www.rse01.com |
Charging operation unit | FRRVE | REVEO | Load Stations | plusieurs SDE | https://reveocharge.com/fr/ |
Charging operation unit | FRS02 | USEDA 02 | Vinci Energies Citeos IdF Exploitation | Union des Secteurs d'Energie du Département de l'Aisne | |
Charging operation unit | FRS08 | Fédération Départementale d'Energie des Ardennes | Modulo | Fédération Départementale d'Energies des Ardennes | contact@modulo-energies.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRS09 | SDE09 | Bouygues Energies & Services | Le Syndicat Départemental d'Energies de l'Ariège (SDE09- 09) | |
Charging operation unit | FRS11 | SYADEN 11 | Bouygues Energies & Services | Le Syndicat Audois d'Energies (SYADEN - 11) | |
Charging operation unit | FRS12 | SIEDA 12 | Bouygues Energies & Services | Le Syndicat Intercommunal d'Energies du Departement de l'Aveyron (SIEDA - 12) | |
Charging operation unit | FRS13 | SMED13 | evzen | Syndicat mixte d'Energie du département des Bouches-du-Rhône | www.smed13.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRS14 | MobiSDEC | CITEOS | SDEC ENERGIE | mobisdec@sdec-energie.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRS16 | SDEG 16 | Bouygues Energies et Services | Syndicat Départemental d'Electricité et de Gaz de la Charente | https://sdeg16.fr/ |
Charging operation unit | FRS17 | SDEER 17 | IZIVIA | Syndicat département d'électrification et d'équipement rural de la Charente-Maritime | http://www.sdeer17.fr/ |
Charging operation unit | FRS19 | FDEE 19 | Bouygues Energies et Services | Fédération Départementale d'Electrification et d'Energie de la Corrèze | http://www.fdee19.fr/ |
Charging operation unit | FRS21 | SICECO 21 | CITEOS | Syndicat Intercommunal d'Energie de Côte d'Or | irve@siceco.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRS22 | BREVCAR | Sodetrel | SDE22 | sde22@sde22.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRS23 | SDEC23 | Izivia | Syndicat Départemental des Energies de la Creuse | t.prouin@sde23.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRS24 | SDE 24 | Syndicat Départemental d'Energies de Dordogne (SDE 24) | Syndicat Départemental d'Energies de Dordogne (SDE 24) | mobive@sde24.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRS27 | SIEGE 27 | SIEGE - Syndicat Intercommunal dElectrification et du Gaz de lEure | SIEGE - Syndicat Intercommunal dElectrification et du Gaz de lEure | siege27-direction@siege27.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRS28 | SDE 28 | MODULO | ENERGIE Eure-et-Loir | https://www.energie28.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRS30 | SMEG 30 | Bouygues Energies & Services | Le Syndicat Mixte d'Electricité du Gard (SMEG - 30) | |
Charging operation unit | FRS31 | SDEHG | Freshmile Services | Syndicat Départemental d'Energie de la Haute-Garonne | contact@sdehg.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRS32 | Réseau SDE32 | Freshmile Services | Syndicat départemental d'énergies du Gers | roaming@freshmile.com |
Charging operation unit | FRS33 | SDEEG 33 | Syndicat Départemental d'Energie Electrique de Gironde (SDEEG) | Syndicat Départemental d'Energie Electrique de Gironde (SDEEG) | contact@sdeeg33.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRS34 | Hérault Energies 34 | Le Syndicat Mixte d'Energies du Département de l'Hérault (Hérault Energies - 34) | Le Syndicat Mixte d'Energies du Département de l'Hérault (Hérault Energies - 34) | contact@herault-energies.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRS35 | SDE 35 | IZIVIA | Syndicat Départemental d'Energie 35 | bea@sde35.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRS36 | SDEI 36 | Syndicat Départemental d'Energies de l'Indre | Syndicat Départemental d'Energies de l'Indre | |
Charging operation unit | FRS37 | SIEIL 37 | MODULO | Syndicat intercommunal d'énergie d'Indre-et-Loire | contact@modulo-energies.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRS40 | SYDEC 40 | Syndicat d'Equipement Des Communes des Landes (SYDEC) | Syndicat d'Equipement Des Communes des Landes (SYDEC) | eric.dubertrand@sydec40.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRS41 | SIDELC | Modulo | SIDELC | contact@sidelc.com |
Charging operation unit | FRS42 | SIEL 42 | Syndicat Intercommunal d'Energie de la Loire | Syndicat Intercommunal d'Energie de la Loire | |
Charging operation unit | FRS44 | SYDELA | SPIE CityNetworks | Syndicat départemental d'énergie de Loire Atlantique | Bâtiment F Parc d'activites du, Bois Cesbron, Rue Roland Garros, 44700 Orvault |
Charging operation unit | FRS46 | FDEL 46 | Bouygues Energies & Services | La Fédération Départementale d'Energies du Lot (FDEL - 46) | |
Charging operation unit | FRS47 | Territoire d'Energie Lot-et-Garonne | Izivia | Syndicat Départemental Territoire d'Energie Lot-et-Garonne (TE47) | contact@mobive.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRS48 | SDEE 48 | Bouygues Energies & Services | Le Syndicat Départemental d'Electrification et d'Equipement de la Lozère (SDEE48 - 48) | |
Charging operation unit | FRS49 | SIEML 49 | SPIE CityNetworks | Syndicat Intercommunal d'Energies de Maine et Loire | https://www.sieml.fr/ |
Charging operation unit | FRS50 | e-charge50 | SDEM50 | SDEM50 | www.e-charge50.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRS51 | SIEM 51 | MODULO | SIEM | contact@modulo-energies.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRS52 | SDED52 | Engie Ineo | Syndicat Départemental d'Energie et des Déchets de Haute Marne | sded52@sded52.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRS53 | Territoire d'Énergie de la Mayenne | Spie CityNetworks | Territoire d'Énergie de la Mayenne | www.territoire-energie53.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRS54 | Meurthe-et-Moselle | Cogelum IDF | DEPARTEMENT DE MEURTHE ET MOSELLE | http://www.meurthe-et-moselle.fr/ |
Charging operation unit | FRS55 | FUCLEM | MODULO | Fédération Unifiée des Collectivités Locales pour l'Electricité en Meuse | contact@modulo-energies.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRS56 | Morbihan énergies | Spie Ouest Centre | Morbihan Energies | |
Charging operation unit | FRS59 | Pass Pass Electrique - SIDEC (Syndicat mIxte De l’Energie du Cambrésis) | Pass Pass Electrique via Bouygues Energies et Services | SIDEC (Syndicat mIxte De l’Energie du Cambrésis) | http://passpasselectrique.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRS60 | Réseau Mouv'Oise | Freshmile Services | Syndicat d'énergie de l'Oise | roaming@freshmile.com |
Charging operation unit | FRS61 | SE61 | Territoire d'énergie Orne | Territoire d'énergie Orne | 61mobility@te61.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRS62 | Fédération départementale d’énergie du Pas-de-Calais | UBITRICITY | UBITRICITY | alexandre.leduc@ubitricity.com |
Charging operation unit | FRS63 | IRVE - TE63 | SPIE CityNetworks | Territoire d'énergie Puy-de-Dôme | www.sieg63.orios-info.com |
Charging operation unit | FRS64 | SDEPA 64 | Bouygues Energies & Services | Syndicat d'Energie Des Pyrénées-Atlantiques (SDEPA) | |
Charging operation unit | FRS66 | SYDEEL 66 | Bouygues Energies & Services | Le Syndicat Départemental d'Energies et d'Electricité des Pyrénées Orientales (SYDEEL66 - 66) | |
Charging operation unit | FRS68 | TEA68 | MODULO | TERRITOIRE D'ENERGIE ALSACE | sde.68@calixo.net |
Charging operation unit | FRS69 | SYDER | IZIVIA | SYNDICAT DEPARTEMENTAL D'ENERGIES DU RHONE - SYDER | syder@syder.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRS71 | SYDESL | SPIE Citynetworks SAS | Syndicat Départemental dEnergie de Saône et Loire | contact@sydesl.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRS72 | Sarthe IRVE | Bouygues Energies et Services | Département de la Sarthe | https://www.sarthe.fr/ |
Charging operation unit | FRS76 | SDE76 | Total Energies Marketing France | Syndicat Départemental d'Energie de Seine-Maritime | 240 Rue Augustin Fresnel 76230 Isneauville |
Charging operation unit | FRS77 | EcoCharge 77 | BOUYGUES Energies et Services | Syndicat Départemental Des Energies De Seine-Et-Marne | https://ecocharge77.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRS80 | IRVE 80 | Vinci Energies Citeos IdF Exploitation | FDE80 | |
Charging operation unit | FRS81 | SDET 81 | Bouygues Energies & Services | Le Syndicat Départemental d'Energies du Tarn (SDET - 81) | |
Charging operation unit | FRS82 | Infrastructure de recharge TARN-ET-GARONNE | Freshmile Services | Syndicat Départemental dEnergie de Tarn-et-Garonne (SDE 82) | sdetg@sdetg.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRS84 | SEV | BOUYGUES ENERGIES ET SERVICES | Syndicat mixte d'Electrification Vauclusien | athomas@sev84.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRS85 | Syndicat Départemental d'Energie et d'Equipement d | SPIE CityNetworks | Syndicat Départemental d'Energie et d'Equipement de la Vendée | http://www.sydev-vendee.fr/ |
Charging operation unit | FRS86 | SOREGIES | SOREGIES | SOREGIES | Service-recharge@soregies.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRS88 | SDEV88 | MODULO | SDEV | florent.duval@sdev88.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRS90 | IRVE Territoire-de-Belfort | Syndicat d'Energie Départemental | Syndicat d'Energie Départemental | http://www.territoiredenergie90.fr/irve/ |
Charging operation unit | FRS91 | SMOYS91 | Sodetrel | Syndicat mixte Orge Yvette Seine (SMOYS) | contact@smoys.org |
Charging operation unit | FRS95 | SDEVO | Bouygues Energies Services | Syndicat Départemental d'Energies du Val d'Oise | smdegtvo@gmail.com |
Charging operation unit | FRSAE | SAEMES | TOTAL | SAEMES | a.margerand@saemes.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRSDG | Syndicat de la Diège | IZIVIA | Syndicat communal mixte | www.la-diege.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRSE1 | STATIONS-E - France | Stations-e | Stations-e | www.stations-e.com - contact@stations-e.com |
Charging operation unit | FRSE2 | STATIONS-E | Stations-e | Stations-e | www.stations-e.com - contact@stations-e.com |
Charging operation unit | FRSE3 | STATIONS-E | Stations-e | Stations-e | www.stations-e.com - contact@stations-e.com |
Charging operation unit | FRSEC | SSEC | SAS | SAS | erwan.dechambure@engie.com |
Charging operation unit | FRSEO | SEOLIS | SEOLIS | SEOLIS | bo@seolis.net |
Charging operation unit | FRSEV | NovaBorne | NovaBorne | NovaBorne | contact@novaborne.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRSFS | Shell Recharge | Shell EV Charging Solutions BV | Shell EV Charging Solutions BV | roaming@shellrecharge.com |
Charging operation unit | FRSGA | SGA INDUSTRIES | SGA INDUSTRIES | SGA INDUSTRIES | contact@sga-automation.com |
Charging operation unit | FRSHE | Shell Recharge France | Société des Pétroles Shell | Société des Pétroles Shell | https://www.shell.fr/ |
Charging operation unit | FRSHL | Shell Recharge | Shell EV Charging Solutions BV | Shell EV Charging Solutions BV | roaming@shellrecharge.com |
Charging operation unit | FRSIG | Syndicat intercommunal pour le gaz et l'électricité en Île-de-France (SIGEIF) | IZIVIA SA | Syndicat intercommunal pour le gaz et l'électricité en Île-de-France (SIGEIF | mobilite.electrique@sigeif.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRSIP | SIPPEREC | Bouygues Energies et Services | SIPPEREC | https://www.sipperec.fr/ |
Charging operation unit | FRSJS | SJS SERVICES | SJS SERVICES | SJS SERVICES | irve@sjsservices.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRSLM | SPLM Société Publique Lyonnaise de Mobilités | Société Publique Lyonnaise de Mobilités | Société Publique Lyonnaise de Mobilités | contact@lpa.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRSMI | WATTZHUB | WATTZHUB | WATTZHUB | 40 Allée de la Mare Jodoin 91190 Gif sur Yvette France |
Charging operation unit | FRSOD | Sodetrel | Sodetrel | Sodetrel | gilles.jollivet@sodetrel.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRSPS | Réseau de bornes électriques Shell France | Izivia | Société des Pétroles Shell | d.lawrence@shell.com |
Charging operation unit | FRSSD | DRIVECO | Driveco | Driveco | 10 place de Catalogne 75014 Paris |
Charging operation unit | FRSTB | ST2B | INEO TINEA | Syndicat mixte des transports du bassin de Briey | irve@st2b.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRSUA | COOPERATIVE U ENSEIGNE | E-TOTEM | COOPERATIVE U ENSEIGNE | srm.achatsnonmarchands@systeme-u.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRSUN | e-nergyze | SUNXLIUM SAS | SUNXLIUM SAS | CONTACT@E-NERGYZE.COM |
Charging operation unit | FRSWC | SOWATT SOLUTIONS CPO | SOWATT SOLUTIONS | SOWATT SOLUTIONS | www.sowattsolutions.com |
Charging operation unit | FRSWI | Swish | Swishforgood | Swishforgood | http://swishforgood.com |
Charging operation unit | FRSWS | SOWATT SOLUTIONS | SOWATT SOLUTIONS | SOWATT SOLUTIONS | www.sowattsolutions.com |
Charging operation unit | FRSYS | See You Sun | Syster | See You Sun | aguerin@seeyousun.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRT2P | Time2Plug | Time2plug | Time2plug | https://www.time2plug.com/page/contacter-time2plug-borne-recharge-electrique/ |
Charging operation unit | FRTDA | Bornes 50 kW Thevenin & Ducrot Autoroutes | IZIVIA | THEVENIN & DUCROT AUTOROUTES | tda@thevenin-ducrot.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRTEC | TECHEM | TECHEM | TECHEM | e-mobilite@techem.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRTLS | TOULIBEO | TOULIBEO | TOULIBEO | https://toulouse.alizecharge.com/ |
Charging operation unit | FRTNM | Shell Recharge | Shell EV Charging Solutions BV | Shell EV Charging Solutions BV | www.shellrecharge.com |
Charging operation unit | FRTSC | TESLA SUPERCHARGER | TESLA FRANCE | TESLA FRANCE | https://www.tesla.com/fr_FR/contact |
Charging operation unit | FRTSL | Tesla | Tesla France S.à r.l. | Tesla France S.à r.l. | www.tesla.com |
Charging operation unit | FRUB2 | ubitricity France | ubitricity Gesellschaft für verteilte Energiesysteme mbH | ubitricity Gesellschaft für verteilte Energiesysteme mbH | roaming@ubitricity.com |
Charging operation unit | FRUBI | ubitricity | ubitricity GmbH | ubitricity GmbH | https://www.ubitricity.com/ |
Charging operation unit | FRURW | Réseau UNIBAIL | IZIVIA | UNIBAIL | berangere.soler@urw.com |
Charging operation unit | FRUSC | Voltalia Mobility | Voltalia Mobility SA | Voltalia Mobility SA | support@voltalia-mobility.com |
Charging operation unit | FRV05 | Ville de Rosheim | Ville de Rosheim | Ville de Rosheim | www.rosheim.com |
Charging operation unit | FRV07 | IRVE Sablé sur Sarthe | Bouygues Energies et Services | Ville de Sablé sur Sarthe | https://www.sablesursarthe.fr/ |
Charging operation unit | FRV09 | Ville de Vic-sur-Cère | Bouygues Energies et Services | Ville de Vic-sur-Cère | http://www.vicsurcere.fr/ |
Charging operation unit | FRV12 | Ville d'Avray | Bouygues Energies et Services | Ville d'Avray | https://www.mairie-villedavray.fr/ |
Charging operation unit | FRV14 | Ville de Revel | Bouygues Energies et Services | Ville de Revel | http://www.mairie-revel.fr/ |
Charging operation unit | FRV15 | Ville de Pleaux | Bouygues Energies et Services | Ville de Pleaux | http://www.pleaux.fr/ |
Charging operation unit | FRV16 | Ville de Viriat | Bouygues Energies et Services | Ville de Viriat | https://viriat.fr/ |
Charging operation unit | FRV17 | Ville de Murat | Bouygues Energies et Services | Ville de Murat | www.murat.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRV18 | Ville de la Ciotat | Bouygues Energies et Services | Ville de la Ciotat | https://www.laciotat.com/ |
Charging operation unit | FRV19 | Ville de Garches | Bouygues Energies et Services | Ville de Garches | https://www.ville-garches.fr/ |
Charging operation unit | FRV20 | Ville de Bresse Vallons | Bouygues Energies et Services | Ville de Bresse Vallons | https://mairie-cras-sur-reyssouze.fr/accueil/ |
Charging operation unit | FRV21 | Ville de Blagnac | Bouygues Energies et Services | Ville de Blagnac | https://www.mairie-blagnac.fr/ |
Charging operation unit | FRV51 | Communauté urbaine du Grand Reims | Total EV Charge | Communauté urbaine du Grand Reims | www.grandreims.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRV75 | Belib' | TotalEnergies Marketing France | TotalEnergies Marketing France | https://belib.paris/ |
Charging operation unit | FRVAY | vaylens GmbH | vaylens GmbH | vaylens GmbH | https://vaylens.com/contact-sales/ |
Charging operation unit | FRVEV | VEV Services Limited | VEV Services Limited | VEV Services Limited | omm@vitol.com |
Charging operation unit | FRVGF | VGF Volkswagen Group France | Spie Citynetworks | VOLKSWAGEN GROUP FRANCE | https://volkswagengroup.fr/ |
Charging operation unit | FRVIA | ENGIE Vianeo | ENGIE Mobilités Electriques | ENGIE Mobilités Electriques | www.engie-vianeo.com |
Charging operation unit | FRVIR | VIRTA Global France | Liikennevirta Oy | Liikennevirta Oy | roaming@virta.global |
Charging operation unit | FRVIS | Enrvision | EnRgetica | EnRgetica | contact@enrgetica.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRVLT | Volta Charging | VOLTA FRANCE SARL | VOLTA FRANCE SARL | Kevin.Hamel@VoltaCharging.com |
Charging operation unit | FRW10 | WAAT | WAAT SAS | WAAT SAS | exploitation@waat.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRW11 | WAAT | WAAT SAS | WAAT SAS | exploitation@waat.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRWA1 | WAAT | WAAT SAS | WAAT SAS | exploitation@waat.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRWA2 | WAAT | WAAT SAS | WAAT SAS | exploitation@waat.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRWA3 | WAAT | WAAT SAS | WAAT SAS | exploitation@waat.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRWA4 | WAAT | WAAT SAS | WAAT SAS | exploitation@waat.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRWA5 | WAAT | WAAT SAS | WAAT SAS | exploitation@waat.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRWA6 | WAAT | WAAT SAS | WAAT SAS | exploitation@waat.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRWA7 | WAAT | WAAT SAS | WAAT SAS | exploitation@waat.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRWA8 | WAAT | WAAT SAS | WAAT SAS | exploitation@waat.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRWA9 | WAAT | WAAT SAS | WAAT SAS | exploitation@waat.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRWAT | WAAT | WAAT SAS | WAAT SAS | exploitation@waat.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRWBC | WELLBORNE | WELLBORNE SAS | WELLBORNE SAS | https://www.wellborne.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRWGO | WE-GO | WE-GO Solution | WE-GO Solution | www.we-go.pro |
Charging operation unit | FRWII | Bornes W:I | Société W:I | Société W:I | irve@groupe-comelec.com |
Charging operation unit | FRWRN | Werenode | Werenode SAS | Werenode SAS | support@werenode.com |
Charging operation unit | FRX75 | borne de recharge sur candélabre Paris | Bouygues Energies & Services | mairie de Paris, direction de la voirie et des déplacements | 121 av de France - CS 51388 - 75639 PARIS CEDEX 13 |
Charging operation unit | FRY01 | SEYMABORNE - Communauté urbaine Grand Paris Seine et Oise | BOUYGUES ENERGIES ET SERVICES | Communauté urbaine Grand Paris Seine et Oise | bornes@sey78.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRY02 | SEYMABORNE - Communauté de communes des Portes de l’Île-de-France | BOUYGUES ENERGIES ET SERVICES | Communauté de communes des Portes de l’Île-de-France | bornes@sey78.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRY03 | SEYMABORNE - Syndicat d'Energie des Yvelines | BOUYGUES ENERGIES ET SERVICES | Syndicat d'Energie des Yvelines | bornes@sey78.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRY04 | SEYMABORNE - Ville de BEYNES | BOUYGUES ENERGIES ET SERVICES | Ville de BEYNES | bornes@sey78.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRY05 | SEYMABORNE - Ville de BOUGIVAL | BOUYGUES ENERGIES ET SERVICES | Ville de BOUGIVAL | bornes@sey78.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRY06 | SEYMABORNE - Ville de COIGNIERES | BOUYGUES ENERGIES ET SERVICES | Ville de COIGNIERES | bornes@sey78.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRY07 | SEYMABORNE - Ville de COURGENT | BOUYGUES ENERGIES ET SERVICES | Ville de COURGENT | bornes@sey78.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRY08 | SEYMABORNE - Ville de DAMMARTIN EN SERVE | BOUYGUES ENERGIES ET SERVICES | Ville de DAMMARTIN EN SERVE | bornes@sey78.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRY09 | SEYMABORNE - Ville de FEUCHEROLLES | BOUYGUES ENERGIES ET SERVICES | Ville de FEUCHEROLLES | bornes@sey78.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRY10 | SEYMABORNE - Ville de HOUILLES | BOUYGUES ENERGIES ET SERVICES | Ville de HOUILLES | bornes@sey78.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRY11 | SEYMABORNE - Ville de JOUARS PONTCHARTRAIN | BOUYGUES ENERGIES ET SERVICES | Ville de JOUARS PONTCHARTRAIN | bornes@sey78.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRY12 | SEYMABORNE - Ville de JOUY LE MOUTIER | BOUYGUES ENERGIES ET SERVICES | Ville de JOUY LE MOUTIER | bornes@sey78.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRY13 | SEYMABORNE - Ville de LA VILLENEUVE EN CHEVRIE | BOUYGUES ENERGIES ET SERVICES | Ville de LA VILLENEUVE EN CHEVRIE | bornes@sey78.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRY14 | SEYMABORNE - Ville de LE MESNIL LE ROI | BOUYGUES ENERGIES ET SERVICES | Ville de LE MESNIL LE ROI | bornes@sey78.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRY15 | SEYMABORNE - Ville de LE PORT MARLY | BOUYGUES ENERGIES ET SERVICES | Ville de LE PORT MARLY | bornes@sey78.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRY16 | SEYMABORNE - Ville de L'ETANG LA VILLE | BOUYGUES ENERGIES ET SERVICES | Ville de L'ETANG LA VILLE | bornes@sey78.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRY17 | SEYMABORNE - Ville de LE TREMBLAY SUR MAULDRE | BOUYGUES ENERGIES ET SERVICES | Ville de LE TREMBLAY SUR MAULDRE | bornes@sey78.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRY18 | SEYMABORNE - Ville de LOUVECIENNES | BOUYGUES ENERGIES ET SERVICES | Ville de LOUVECIENNES | bornes@sey78.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRY19 | SEYMABORNE - Ville de MAREIL MARLY | BOUYGUES ENERGIES ET SERVICES | Ville de MAREIL MARLY | bornes@sey78.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRY20 | SEYMABORNE - Ville de MARLY LE ROI | BOUYGUES ENERGIES ET SERVICES | Ville de MARLY LE ROI | bornes@sey78.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRY21 | SEYMABORNE - Ville de MAUREPAS | BOUYGUES ENERGIES ET SERVICES | Ville de MAUREPAS | bornes@sey78.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRY22 | SEYMABORNE - Ville de MERE | BOUYGUES ENERGIES ET SERVICES | Ville de MERE | bornes@sey78.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRY23 | SEYMABORNE - Ville de NEAUPHLE-LE-CHÂTEAU | BOUYGUES ENERGIES ET SERVICES | Ville de NEAUPHLE-LE-CHÂTEAU | bornes@sey78.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRY24 | SEYMABORNE - Ville de NOISY LE ROI | BOUYGUES ENERGIES ET SERVICES | Ville de NOISY LE ROI | bornes@sey78.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRY25 | SEYMABORNE - Ville de PLAISIR | BOUYGUES ENERGIES ET SERVICES | Ville de PLAISIR | bornes@sey78.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRY26 | SEYMABORNE - Ville de SAINT NOM LA BRETECHE | BOUYGUES ENERGIES ET SERVICES | Ville de SAINT NOM LA BRETECHE | bornes@sey78.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRY27 | SEYMABORNE - Ville de SEPTEUIL | BOUYGUES ENERGIES ET SERVICES | Ville de SEPTEUIL | bornes@sey78.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRY28 | SEYMABORNE - Ville de THIVERVAL-GRIGNON | BOUYGUES ENERGIES ET SERVICES | Ville de THIVERVAL-GRIGNON | bornes@sey78.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRY29 | SEYMABORNE - Ville de THOIRY | BOUYGUES ENERGIES ET SERVICES | Ville de THOIRY | bornes@sey78.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRY30 | SEYMABORNE - Ville de TOUSSUS LE NOBLE | BOUYGUES ENERGIES ET SERVICES | Ville de TOUSSUS LE NOBLE | bornes@sey78.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRY31 | SEYMABORNE - Ville de VILLEPREUX | BOUYGUES ENERGIES ET SERVICES | Ville de VILLEPREUX | bornes@sey78.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRY32 | SEYMABORNE - Ville de BONNIERES SUR SEINE | BOUYGUES ENERGIES ET SERVICES | Ville de BONNIERES SUR SEINE | bornes@sey78.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRY33 | SEYMABORNE - Ville de MAULE | BOUYGUES ENERGIES ET SERVICES | Ville de MAULE | bornes@sey78.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRY34 | SEYMABORNE - Ville de FRENEUSE | BOUYGUES ENERGIES ET SERVICES | Ville de FRENEUSE | bornes@sey78.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRY35 | SEYMABORNE - Ville de CRESPIERES | Bouygues Energies et Services | Ville de CRESPIERES | bornes@sey78.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRY36 | SEYMABORNE - Ville de CHAMBOURCY | Bouygues Energies et Services | Ville de CHAMBOURCY | bornes@sey78.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRY55 | YES55 | SAS YES55 | SAS YES55 | contact@yes55.fr |
Charging operation unit | FRYAW | Yaway | Kallista BDR | Kallista BDR | https://yaway-recharge.eu/ |
Charging operation unit | FRZAR | Aramis - ZEborneMS | ZEborne Mobility Services | ZEborne Mobility Services | contact@zeborne.com |
Charging operation unit | FRZBK | Burger King - ZEborne | ZEborne | ZEborne | contact@zeborne.com |
Charging operation unit | FRZHO | Hôtellerie - ZEborne | ZEborne | ZEborne | contact@zeborne.com |
Charging operation unit | FRZHR | ZEborne - Hôtellerie Restauration | ZEborne | ZEborne | 155-159 Rue Anatole France, 92300, Levallois-Perret France, FRANCE |
Charging operation unit | FRZIM | Intermarché - ZEborneMS | ZEborne | ZEborne | contact@zeborne.com |
Charging operation unit | FRZKA | Kia - ZEborneMS | ZEborne | ZEborne | contact@zeborne.com |
Charging operation unit | FRZMA | Mazda - ZEborne | ZEborne | ZEborne | contact@zeborne.com |
Charging operation unit | FRZMR | ZEborne Mobility Service - France | ZEborne | ZEborne | contact@zeborne.com |
Charging operation unit | FRZP1 | ZEPHYRE | ZEPHYRE | ZEPHYRE | gaelle@zephyre.Fr |
Charging operation unit | FRZPE | Professionnel Entreprise - ZEborneMS | ZEborne | ZEborne | contact@zeborne.com |
Charging operation unit | FRZSU | SuperU - ZeborneMS | ZEborne | ZEborne | contact@zeborne.com |
Charging operation unit | FRZTL | Toyota/Lexus - ZEborne | ZEborne | ZEborne | contact@zeborne.com |
Charging operation unit | FRZUN | ZUNDER | ZUNDER France | ZUNDER France | info@zunder.com |
Charging operation unit | FRZWO | ZE-WATT | ZE-WATT | ZE-WATT | contact@ze-watt.com |
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We will answer you.
Vous souhaitez adhérer à l’AFIREV : écrivez-nous à contact@afirev.fr en nous indiquant votre activité et motivation .
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