FAQ & definitions

A quality commitment charter is proposed for each of the following activities:

– Owners and operators of charging infrastructure networks (CSO/CPO) accessible to the public (see content).

– Providers of mobility services to users of electric vehicles (EMSP), including access to charging on publicly accessible infrastructure networks (see content).

– Roaming platforms for CPO and EMSP (see content).

The signature of a charter is done directly online on the site of the AFIREV.

How do I complete and publish my charter?

You are owner or operator of a publicly accessible charging infrastructure network and you already have at least one business unit identifier prefix registered on our site. On the charter completion page, use this prefix (of the FRXYZ type) and the associated PIN code (which was given to you in the confirmation email) to access the charter completion form concerning the charging infrastructures. The procedure is the same if you are a mobility operator: you access the charter concerning EMSP with a mobility service unit prefix.

Forgot your PIN code? Go to the charging unit or mobility service unit page (click on one of these links depending on the nature of your unit), then click on the “Modify” button, enter your unit prefix and click on “I forgot my secret code”. You will receive it on the email address you entered when you requested the prefix.

After confirmation of your entry, you can check and correct the content. Once validated, your charter is created and published on the signed charters page.

If you operate several different units, you can create as many charters for each of these units. But if they are identical, it is better to create only one charter in which you list the different units concerned.

How to modify an existing charter?

You can modify a charter at any time by accessing it in the same way as for its creation. This is particularly necessary to update your charter when a new generic version is proposed to you.

Who should create the charter of a business unit?

It can be the owner or the operator on his behalf, depending on the delegation of responsibility defined by the owner who subcontracts or concedes the operation of this unit. The charter reflects the quality commitments of the services produced by the operating unit, which depend on the organization of responsibilities between the owner and the operator as to the definition of their nature and characteristics.

For example, an owner can sign the charter and include its elements in the contract delegating operation to the operator.

Definition of quality indicators:

We define below the essential quality indicators proposed to qualify the proper functioning of the services. Some of them appear directly in the charters. All of them are proposed for quality monitoring by operators in their operation of services, as well as by AFIREV in its quality observatory, to establish a periodic assessment of the quality of publicly accessible charging networks, allowing the continuous improvement of the services produced.

Number of successful charging sessions/total number of transactions:

  • Are considered “successful” the charging sessions that lasted more than 2 minutes or provided an energy greater than 0.2 kWh.
  • A transaction is a charging session with a “start” of the communication protocol with the supervisor.
  • Test and maintenance cases are excluded from the transaction count.
  • In the event of a communication failure, the charge is considered successful if an “open bar” type compensatory solution has been used.

Number of charging points available more than X% of the time/Total number of charging points over the period under consideration:

Calculated as follows:

– For each charging point: sum of all its availability times over the period, and total for all charging points of an operating unit,

– X% of the time over the period considered (depending on whether the month is 28, 29, 30 or 31 days)

Is considered as “deemed available” a charging point that is indicated as in service by its operator in the static data set published or transmitted to the roaming platform over the entire period considered.

Is normally declared “unavailable” by the operator a recharging point whose status is:

– “Faulted” (see communication protocol with the supervisor),

– “Unknown” for more than 24 hours,

– where one of the main sockets or connectors is unavailable (type 2 for AC charging; CCS or Chademo for DC charging).

Rate of charging points unavailable for more than 7 days:

Ratio with the numerator calculated as follows:

– Identification of all unavailability periods over the observed period, and their durations, for each charging point.

– Calculation of the number of charging points that have had at least one unavailability period of more than 7 consecutive calendar days during the period considered.

In the denominator: total number of charging points.

Completeness of the static data of a recharge point:

Calculated as the ratio of the number of charging points, for which all static data is made available by the different means, to the total number of charging points in the operating unit.

The repository of a charging point provides the following static data:

  • Station identifier (cf. AFIREV definitions)
  • The location of the infrastructure: address, GPS position.
  • The types of sockets and connectors
  • The means of payment on the spot: Bank card, phone app…
  • Means of contract identification for charging authorization: RFID, remote application with the mobility operator, Plug and Charge….
  • Accessibility: 24/7 or other
  • Rated power of the charging point.

Rate of telephone assistance requests:

Calculated as the ratio between:

  • the number of calls to the hotline related to a service or charging failure (see definition of a successful charging session above) or to an identification or authorization problem,
  • and the total number of successful charging sessions.

Not counted are calls such as:

  • Commercial calls.
  • Simple requests for information.
  • Problems with billing or payment…

Definition of terms for tariff structure:

  • “Tariff formula” is the formula made of one or several parameters set up to calculate the total price of a charging session.
  • “Unit prices” are the monetary values to be applied to each of the parameters of the tariff formula; they may depend on factors such as time of day, rated power of the charging point etc.
  • “Tariff” is made up of the tariff formula and the unit prices.
  • “Metrics” are the numerical values to be multiplied by the unit prices, the units of which are defined in the tariff formula.
  • “Total Price” is the amount to be paid by the customer (or mobility operator) for a completed charging session, according to the tariff formula.


  • Total price = x€ + y€ x time in minutes + z€ x number of kWh delivered.
  • x, y and z are the unit prices of the tariff formula; time in minutes and number of kWh are the metrics.